Contact Me

I offer a personalised SEO service, aimed at SME’s not corporate. If you have a query, please use the form or email as a first contact. It would be great to know, what your expectations are, or what problems you have.

As explained more in my website, I am semi retured now, not looking for full time projects. And I like to know my clients on a first name basis, so trust can be built up.

Teesside Area

  • Ingleby Barwick TS17

  • 07756 991996

How I Can Help?

Send me a form with information of how what you are expecting from a SEO Service.

Professional SEO Services

I like to work with local businesses who want to expand there online visibility. I have a 3 tier pricing struckture to suit most SME’s

SEO Training

Sometimes it is better to deliver SEO in-house. You will save money, but also have more control. I can dleiver training to get you on your way. 

SEO Strategist

Every website is different, so doing what everyone lese does, may not be the right strategy for yoour business. I have a passion for strategies.